Sections: Design, Layout, Animation, Mechanics, Problem solving
What is the difference between Responsive Design vs Adaptive Design What is the difference between Mobile-First Design vs Graceful degradation What is the CSS display
property? What are some ways it can be used? Resetting
vs Normalizing
vs inline-block
vs inline
vs fixed
vs absolute
vs static
-ally positioned elementsWhat is the z-index
property? And what is stacking context and how is it formed? Why would you use translate()
over absolute
+ relative
+ fixed
positioning ? BFC (block formatting context) how does it work? And why is it important? What is the Box Model, and how does it work? What is CSS selector specificity and how does it work? Preprocessors: SCSS, SASS ā What are they and how do they work? What can Sass/SCSS do that Vanilla CSS canāt? Media Queries ā What are they used for? Explain CSS sprites, and how you would implement them on a page or site. What are the benefits of CSS sprites? How do you serve your pages for feature-constrained browsers? What techniques/processes do you use? How do you approach fixing browser-specific styling issues? What are the various clearing techniques and which is appropriate for what context? What problem is this meant to solve? What is a media type? Can you give an example of an @media
types other than screen? How do you visually hide content (and make it available only for screen readers)? How do you write efficient CSS? What are the main advantages of using CSS preprocessors? Disadvantages? Using flexbox, style the HTML below to create a 3-column layout where each column takes up a col-{n} / 12
ratio of the container. What is the difference between em
and rem
units? What are the advantages of using CSS sprites and how are they utilized? What is the difference between +
and ~
sibling selectors?. What is a focus ring? What is the correct solution to handle them?