‣🏝 Number of Islands‣🌴Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) with insert, search, and startsWith methods‣🔁 Rotate Image‣📕 Word Break‣🐶 Maximum Product Subarray‣🦌 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph‣☘️ Construct a Quad Tree‣🏍 Unique Paths‣🎄 Invert/Flip a binary tree‣🧳 Meeting Rooms‣🏃🏿♂️ Longest Substring without Repeating characters‣🍩 Climbing Stairs‣🌱 Contains Duplicate‣🥓 Merge Two Sorted Lists‣🗓 Course Schedule‣🌳 Binary Tree Max Path Sum ‣↩️ Reverse a Linked List‣🐑 Clone Graph‣🐽 Reorder List‣🔍 Word Search ‣🕶 Decode Ways‣🐛 Longest Consecutive Sequence‣🥨 Linked List Cycle‣🍬 Spiral Matrix‣🌷 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow‣🌿 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree‣🦔 Combination Sum‣🤑 Coin Change 2‣⛺️ Meeting Rooms 2‣📲 Top K Frequent Elements‣🎆 Subtree of Another Tree‣🙉 House Robber II‣🥣 Set Matrix Zeroes