

How do you ensure methods have the correct this context in React component classes?
How to apply prop validation in React?
What are error boundaries in React?
What are fragments?
What are portals in React?
What are callback refs in React? When should they be used?
What are the different phases of the component lifecycle in React?
What are the lifecycle methods in React?
What does lifting state up in React mean?
What is a callback? Can you show an example using one?
What is a key? What are the benefits of using it in lists?
What is a stateful component in React?
What is a stateless component?
What is a virtual DOM and why is it used in libraries/frameworks?
What is context?
What is the difference between an element and a component in React?
What is the purpose of callback function as an argument of setState?
What is the purpose of JavaScript UI libraries/frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, Hyperapp, etc?
What is the children prop in React?
Which is the preferred option between callback refs and findDOMNode()?
Why does React use className instead of class like in HTML?
What are higher-order components?
What are inline conditional expressions and why are they useful?
How do you pass an argument to an event handler or callback?